ATLAS import: request for immediate notification of a customs debt instead of a security deposit

The application for an immediate notification of the customs debt instead of a security deposit according to Article 244 UZK-IA can currently be made in ATLAS by registering the payment types "Y" (for cash payment) or "Z" (for deferred payment).

In the area of ATLAS import, the request for immediate notification of the customs debt instead of a security deposit is to be regulated in the future via a newly created document coding. The document code will be: "9DFB" - "Immediate notification of customs debt instead of provision of security (Art. 244 UZK-IA)".

For technical reasons, the document coding "9DFB" already exists in the IT procedure ATLAS. Currently, however, no concrete system behavior is linked to it.


ATLAS-Info 0313/2022


Informationstechnikzentrum Bund