Supply chain due diligence act and risk analysis - information from BAFA

The BAFA has published new information against the background of the Supply Chain Risk Obligations Act (LkSG). The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control provides information on conducting a risk analysis in terms of the LkSG.

Risk analysis is the basis of appropriate and effective risk management. Companies are obliged to observe human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in their supply chains in an appropriate manner. The aim is to prevent human rights or environment-related risks, minimise them or put an end to the violation of human rights or environment-related obligations. To this end, the company concerned must identify, weigh and, if necessary, prioritise the human rights and environment-related risks.

Within the framework of appropriate and effective risk management, the LkSG distinguishes between two types of risk analysis: regular risk analysis and event-related risk analysis.

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Supply chain risk analysis


Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control