EU customs reform to make customs procedures more modern and efficient

The EU Commission has presented proposals for the most comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union since its foundation in 1968.

The reform aims to reduce "cumbersome customs procedures" and replace current declarations with an "intelligent and data-driven approach" to import surveillance.

According to an EU press release, the reform aims to prepare customs for a greener and more digital age and contribute to a more secure and competitive single market. In addition, the EU says the reform is a response to the huge increase in trade volumes, especially in the electronic sector, a rapidly growing number of EU standards whose compliance must be checked at the border, and changing geopolitical circumstances and crises.

A new EU customs authority will oversee an EU customs data platform. The new authority will also contribute to an improved EU approach to risk assessment and customs controls


EU Customs Reform: A data-driven vision for a simpler, smarter and safer Customs Union


European Commission