International commerce
Advice across frontiers
There is no question that foreign trade is global in nature. When carrying out their cross-border transactions, importers and exporters immediately encounter the most diverse legal issues, which involve areas of international commerce, business and contract law as well as transnational law.
AWB can assist you in carrying out your international transactions.
Our areas of expertise:
- Incoterms®
- German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
What AWB can do for you in relation to international commerce:
- Analyse and improve international commerce organisation and processes
- Provide daily support in legal issues
- Help you select the appropriate Incoterms® and contract clauses
- Create and improve internal control and risk management systems
- Prepare and support international commerce audits
- Draft contracts
- Produce expert reports/opinions on complex legal issues
- Provide support in administrative proceedings
- Audit of Software and Compliance Management Systems